We have moved!

We would like to inform you that we have moved. You can find us in the same building, staircase 1, 4th floor.
Our address remains unchanged: Technologiestraße 5, 1120 Vienna, Austria

Featuring eptos™ Publication Manager

Let us introduce the new eptos™ Publication Manager which supports the creation, maintenance and provision of consistent publication structures for professional technical publications.

eptos™ Publication Manager supports the users to create and compose and maintain content elements for publications like preferred parts catalogs, product datasheets and product catalogs. eptos™ Publication Manager is fully integrated in eptos™ solutions interacting with relevant eptos™ modules. ECLASS content from all releases are supported.

Target groups are product manufacturer, product suppliers, plant operators, machine manufacturers who want to streamline the creation and maintenance of structured and reliable technical publications.

For further information please contact Paradine at sales@paradine.at and the data sheet can be found  here.

eCatCreator version 1.6 is released!

eCatCreator™ is a PC based software from Paradine supporting relibable electronic product data exchange. It enables the users to easy and fast create ECLASS based electronic product descriptions or electronic product catalogs in BMEcat or ISO29002-10 format. eCatCreator™ fully support the ECLASS workflow, ECLASS-XML 3.0 and latestest ECLASS release 11.1.

Preview ECLASS Webservice

The fastest and easiest way to access ECLASS content!
No data overhang / directly into your system – in real time / full cost control / free of charge for ECLASS Concordance licensees
You can retrieve ECLASS category extensions, release updates or language integrations immediately and in real time directly into your PIM, PDM, PLM, ERP or shop system. The ECLASS Webservice as a new distribution channel enables you to fetch exactly the relevant subset of ECLASS structures directly and ad hoc into your system.

ECLASS presents the new logo

The ECLASS standard has a new look! The new logo underlines the agility and strength of the international data standard in a much more modern way.

COVID-19 Information

Dear Customers!

in the current uncertain situation regarding COVID-19, Paradine is committed to supporting your business throughout the course of this pandemic and to provide continuity of service at all times.

Please note that:

  • Our employees are now working in home office to ensure their and our customers’ health. However, this is not subject to any restrictions and your contact person can be reached by phone and email as usual.
  • Business trips in Austria/Germany and abroad will not take place until further notice. In view of the ban on entry and exit of many European countries, this is neither sensible nor possible.
  • Instead of on-site appointments, we will increasingly use the options for coordination via telephone and video conferences in order to drive projects forward constructively and to avoid project delays.

Stay healthy!

Webinar instead of seminar!

Due to the current situation, we CANCEL ALL seminars planned for the 1st half of 2020.
All registrations can be cancelled FREE of charge or rebooked on webinars.
Payments will be refunded or can be credited to webinars.